Welcome to DART (the Develop And Release Toolkit)

Whether your building a new DART Appliance, or just want to learn more about DART, this is a good place to start.

POE Cameras


MeshCentral on Pi 4

Start with Raspian Lite.

Note: Commands run as a superuser will be prefixed with /...# while commands run as a regular user will be prefixed with /...$

Turn on SSH with raspi-config. Option 5 (Interfacing Options), then option P2 (SSH):

/...# raspi-config

Add some utilities:

/...# apt update
/...# apt install mc tmux htop iftop

The following is from the MeshCentral Install PDF:

Install the current nodejs:

/...# curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash -
/...# apt-get install -y nodejs

Port permissions (to allow node to use ports below 1024):

Use the whereis command to find the path to the node executable and use that path in the setcap command:
Note: I believe this is so you can run node as non-root, but still run on ports 80 & 443.

/...# whereis node
/...# setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/node

Install MeshCentral (Important Note: Run npm as a regular user)

/...$ npm install meshcentral

Run MeshCentral as the non-root user. The --fastcert switch will use RSA2048 instead of RSA3072 since we are only on a Raspberry Pi.

/...$ node node_modules/meshcentral --fastcert

Use a browser and go to the IP addr of the Pi. (The 1st user to be defined will be the Administrator.)

Setup systemd to start & stop MeshCentral.
Create the file /etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service

/...$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service

Enter the following into the file:

Description=MeshCentral Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/pi/node_modules/meshcentral
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
# Set port permissions capability


Enable & start MeshCentral using systemd:

/...# systemctl enable meshcentral.service
/...# systemctl start meshcentral.service

Finished. Reboot the Pi to make sure everything starts up as it should.

Project DART

DART.RissResearch.com is currently testing the BLUDIT CMS

Welcome to DART

the Develop And Release Toolkit

Here is the short list for use in the Core module (and also the main DART website).

CMS Link JSON API Online Edit Templates CLI Needed Multiple Logins Nonpublic Content Zipped Size Issues Annoyances Notes
Bludit Plugin WYSIWYG Markdown No? No Yes 1.6M No warning when leaving the editor without saving. If the editor sits for too long, saving brings you to the login screen without saving. Plugin adds API to the Web UI
FlexType REST WYSIWYG Markdown Forms? Fieldsets? No Yes 3.4M Existing links don't show in the editor. (they show as regular text) I'm not sure how to edit them; only insert new ones.
HTMLy Yes WYSIWYG Markdown Yes? .ini file for each user Yes login? 1.5M Links are resolved by the base CMS not HTMLy Can not find API Docs

Super small. These may have a place as an embedded tool.

CMS Link JSON API Online Edit Templates CLI Needed Multiple Logins Nonpublic Content Zipped Size Issues Annoyances Notes
FlatPress No BBCode Markdown No? No No 852K
Pico No Plugin Twig Create/Edit Files/Dirs No 820K
Singularity No No No? Create/Edit Files/Dirs No 16K 40 lines of PHP wrapped around Strapdown.js
WonderCMS No In-Line Sort-of Make Templates? No admin? 25K Long pause at 1st login of the day
Yellow No Markdown Layouts? New Layouts? No 296K Install for CMS, Wiki, or Blog

Here are the rest that are ready to look at.

CMS Link JSON API Online Edit CLI Needed Templates

Multiple Logins

Nonpublic Content Zipped Size Issues Annoyances Notes
Automad Headless 2.6M API or UI - Not Both
GetSimple DevAPI 1.3M API only for plugin development
Grav Plugin? Plugin Create/Edit Files/Dirs admin? 10.4M A beast: 10 Meg + dozens of Themes & hundreds of Plugins
Typesetter No 4.1M

We were unable to get this last group working under the same single instance of Lighttpd. (The above projects are all running under the same instance of Lighttpd, but have their own URL subsection & their own directory outside of the web doc root.) We will still give them a look, so we will install them as they were intended to be used (as a single CMS per web server, in the document root of the webserver's file system, and at the root of the URL).

CMS Link JSON API Online Edit CLI Needed Templates

Multiple Logins

Nonpublic Content Zipped Size Issues Annoyances Notes
Mecha No 90K no css
Parvula REST 1.5M 'no VIEW' error in Admin
PhileCMS 510K links not working

These links all go to a functioning CMS in the demo area. They will remain functional for testing. Periodic backups are made, so if one get too messed up, we can roll it back to a functioning state. Do not assume that anything you put into one of these projects will get backed up. Several people are testing these projects, and you will probably step on each others toes at some point.

As we learn the different packages, clean installations will be set up at the following sites. The purpose of these installations will be to see if a given project is a good fit for the production site at that link.

Domain / Site www cdn wiki blog

Create your own content

Start writing your own content or edit the current to fit your needs. To create, edit or remove content you need to login to the admin panel with the username admin and the password you set in the installation process.

Set up your new site

Update the settings of your site from the admin panel, you can change the title, description and the social networks from Settings > General.

Follow Bludit

Get information about news, new releases, new themes or new plugins on our social networks Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or visit our Blog.