Multilingual Content

Dieses Template verdeutlicht die Nutzung von Sessions, um eine multilinguale Website zu erstellen. Klicke auf einen der Buttons unten, um zwischen Englisch und Deutsch zu wechseln, oder die Spracheinstellung aus dem Session Array zu laden.

Source /packages/tutorial/multilingual.php
<?php defined('AUTOMAD') or die('Direct access not permitted!'); ?>
Like in all other tutorial templates, the header, 
navbar and content snippets are include first. 
<@ snippets/header.php @>  
  <@ snippets/navbar.php @>
  <section class="section">    
    <div class="content">
      <h1>@{ title }</h1>
      <div class="is-size-5">
        Storing the language selection in the session data array.
        In case the query string has a 'lang' parameter, a session data variable '%lang'
        is defined. Note that all session data variables begin with a '%'. 
        <@ if @{ ?lang } @>
          <@ set { %lang: @{ ?lang | 5 } } @>
        <@ end @>
        In case %lang is set to 'de' and a german text exists, 
        the german text will be displayed. The english text is always the fallback. 
        <@ if @{ %lang } = 'de' and @{ textTeaserGerman } @>
          @{ textTeaserGerman | markdown }
        <@ else @>
          @{ textTeaser | markdown }
        <@ end @>
    <div class="field">
      <a href="#source" class="button is-light">Jump to Source</a>
  <section class="section">
    This is the markup for the language selection buttons. 
    <div class="field is-grouped is-grouped-multiline is-marginless">
      <div class="control">
        <div class="field has-addons">
          <p class="control">
            class="button is-info<@ if @{ %lang | def('en') } = 'en' @> is-active<@ end @>"
          <p class="control">
            class="button is-info<@ if @{ %lang } = 'de' @> is-active<@ end @>"
      <div class="control">
        <div class="field">
          <p class="control">
            href="@{ url }" 
            class="button is-light"
              Use Session Setting
<# As the last step, the footer markup is included. #>
<@ snippets/footer.php @>
Made with Automad
Released under the MIT license
© 2025 by Marc Anton Dahmen