MeshCentral on Pi 4

Start with Raspian Lite.

Note: Commands run as a superuser will be prefixed with /...# while commands run as a regular user will be prefixed with /...$

Turn on SSH with raspi-config. Option 5 (Interfacing Options), then option P2 (SSH):

/...# raspi-config

Add some utilities:

/...# apt update
/...# apt install mc tmux htop iftop

The following is from the MeshCentral Install PDF:

Install the current nodejs:

/...# curl -sL | bash -
/...# apt-get install -y nodejs

Port permissions (to allow node to use ports below 1024):

Use the whereis command to find the path to the node executable and use that path in the setcap command:
Note: I believe this is so you can run node as non-root, but still run on ports 80 & 443.

/...# whereis node
/...# setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/node

Install MeshCentral (Important Note: Run npm as a regular user)

/...$ npm install meshcentral

Run MeshCentral as the non-root user. The --fastcert switch will use RSA2048 instead of RSA3072 since we are only on a Raspberry Pi.

/...$ node node_modules/meshcentral --fastcert

Use a browser and go to the IP addr of the Pi. (The 1st user to be defined will be the Administrator.)

Setup systemd to start & stop MeshCentral.
Create the file /etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service

/...$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service

Enter the following into the file:

Description=MeshCentral Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/pi/node_modules/meshcentral
# Restart service after 10 seconds if node service crashes
# Set port permissions capability


Enable & start MeshCentral using systemd:

/...# systemctl enable meshcentral.service
/...# systemctl start meshcentral.service

Finished. Reboot the Pi to make sure everything starts up as it should.